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Mobile-friendly web design: why it's important

Mobile devices quickly shifted from optional to a societal must-have. Statistically it is said that the number of mobile users in South Africa will grow to 39.06 million by 2025, that’s close to 800 000 more users than there currently are in 2020. With the year upon year increase, businesses are having to ensure they’re keeping up with industry standards to meet their audience where they are. Mobile-friendly web design, unlike traditional web design is formatted and designed to be mobile responsive. It largely contributes to the way people interact with a business and the overall interest they’ll show in…

Website Builders for Small Business

If the idea of a website and having to put one together stresses you out, don’t worry, you’re not alone. We’ve worked with a couple hundred clients and designed over 10 000 projects, and let me tell you - we’ve had many people look at us as if we’re speaking a foreign language when talking about website elements. The truth is, a website really isn’t all that scary. If you look past coding and the more technical aspects, it’s actually a fun process to see come to life. Back when websites were in the infancy stage, we didn’t have what…

A day in the life of a web designer

Web designers play an important role in bringing a brand’s vision to life and getting their message across. Imaginative, creative and well-versed in technical elements mildly sums up their talent. But while most of their day may consist of design work, a typical day for a web designer entails more than, well, web design. So, what does a day in the life of a web designer look like? First…. Coffee We all appreciate a good cup of coffee to kick-start our day, it’s essentially the antidote to those early morning woes. Coffee = functioning on a better level. Planning For…

2020: Lets Recap!

While our optimism and hope for a better 2021 runs high, we are still trying to wrap our head around the year that would go down in history as the plot twist no one saw coming. Lets be honest, the pandemic (in some way) still feels like a dark cloud lingering over us, but, our positive spirits have been restored and we are stepping into this year with our heads held high. And, we are giving ourselves a pat on the back for surviving 2020, and so should you! But before we rush to hit the reset button, lets take…

The Top Social Media Platforms

Social media has trickled into nearly all aspects of life and business. Collectively, the platforms are rife with 3.9 billion users looking to share their views and opinions, keep up with the latest gossip and news, and brands wanting to connect with their target audience. With new platforms springing up and the number of active users growing by millions yearly, the social media bubble is evolving and expanding at a rapid rate. And they are showing no signs of slowing down anytime soon. How the Platforms CompareLets take a look at how the top social media platforms, and some that…

Why Hire A Digital Marketing Agency?

Why hire a digital marketing agency when you can do it yourself, right? NO! HOLD. THAT. THOUGHT. At first glance, marketing seems easy. But with a long list of options including SEO, google ads, social media, email, and content marketing; the digital jargon can leave you feeling confused and slightly overwhelmed. It’s ok and perfectly normal – we see it all the time. Truth is, digital marketing is an umbrella term representing different marketing tactics offering businesses the potential to grow in heaps and bounds. But that growth comes from a particular skill set, a level of experience, time, and…